Congratulations to Vilda Nygren & Rans Flora!
“This talented combination have won the Swedish national championship for young ponies in their category (130-143cm), three years in a row…as a 5yo, 6yo and now as a 7yo.
This is an open championship, so they compete against imports as well. For 5 year olds the fences are 90cm, 6 years they are 100cm and 7 years they are 110cm. The final goes over three days and rounds…and they have not had a fence down!
Flora is by Burley Time Lord and her grandmother on her dam’s side was Rodlease Daisy Girl.” Anna Ransholm
Ulrika Nygren bought the 4-year-old Flora directly from her breeder…”It feels great to have won multiple times, it’s like a reward for the way we’ve worked with her,” said the 13-year-old Vilda. © Equestrian Plus

Rans Flora
(Burley Time Lord / Råryds Juvel by Sörbys Quandrigo). Bred in Sweden by Anna Ransholm and owned by Ulrika Nygren.